Advertisements for print journal

Journal of Global Medicine (JoGM) is an international open-access online general medical journal based in the UK (ISSN 2754-0995). The Editorial Board is worldwide along with its readers. While its contents are global, it emphasises healthcare subjects important to the developing world. We publish peer-reviewed articles, meeting abstracts, commentaries, book reviews, and opinion pieces. The online journal is currently wholly funded by a UK-based charity organisation of UK-based alumni of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (CoMUI), Nigeria (UK charities no. 1090030) in collaboration with other CoMUI alumni in North America and Australasia. Our publication is primarily online, but we aim to publish special print versions (ISSN 2754-3315), and the first of these will be by 30th September 2024, hence the opportunity to advertise your products.

Target your messages to a global audience.

Since its inception, our audience has grown steadily as shown with abstract views from February 2021 to June 2024.

Print advertising opportunities in JoGM



Technical specifications (mm)

Size and position



Safe area


Quarter page (vertical)

£500    (US$ 650)

148 x 105

144 x 101

154 x 111

Half page (vertical)

£900    (US$ 1,150)

210 x 148

206 x 144

216 x 154

Half page (horizontal)

£900    (US$ 1,150)

148 x 210

144 x 206

154 x 216

Whole page

£1,700 (US$ 2,200)

297 x 210

293 x 206

303 x 216


All adverts must be saved as .pdf

All pictures/logos must be high resolution and CYMK format

All fonts must be embedded.

PDFs should be sent to before 30th August 2024.

Journal of Global Medicine (JoGM) Terms and Conditions

These are the terms and conditions of the agreement between JoGM and the “Advertiser”, the party that has booked space within the journal or any supplements, reprints or associated print materials.

  1. All adverts are subject to the JoGM approval. Adverts can be declined at the discretion of the editorial board without explanation.
  2. All adverts must comply with technical requirements as stipulated in this document. Should any adverts be withdrawn after the closing date, then the cost of the space for the advert will be paid in full even though the advert will not appear.
  3. All adverts must comply with the provisions and regulations in the Medicines Act 1968 or any Acts of the UK Parliament and the European Union and EEC regulations and laws applicable in the United Kingdom.
  4. All adverts must comply with the British Code of Advertising Practice, or where appropriate, the ABPI Code of Practice and other relevant codes of the Advertising Standards Authority.
  5. Advertisers must ensure that their advertisement does not breach or infringe any contract, trade mark, copyright or render JoGM or the Publisher liable in any way whatsoever. The Advertiser will ensure that any information relating to the advert to appear in the publication will be accurate and true and that any pictorial reference – photographic or otherwise will have the full consent of any living person, Company or Organisation with the production rights, so that the Publisher may reproduce the picture, photograph or copy in the publication.
  6. The Advertiser will fully compensate the Publisher for any claim, proceedings or demand as a result of the publication of the advert.
  7. Advertiser payment invoices are subject to payment by the deadline for submission of adverts. All remittances must be payable to the Journal of Global Medicine.