ISSN 2754-0995 (Online)
ISSN 2754-3315 (Print)
Editorials are usually commissioned, but you are welcome to pitch us your idea for an editorial to the Editor-in-Chief. A member of the editorial team will get in touch to let you know if we wish to encourage submission of the full article. Editorials are 1000 word articles which usually respond to a topical issue. They must be evidence based and written with an international general medical audience in mind. We particularly value pitches authored or co authored by patient advocates, representatives, and leaders. Authors with financial ties to industry are not allowed to write clinical editorials and all authors must declare their interest, and have them approved before we encourage a full submission.
Articles for basic (theoretical and applied), clinical (experimental and observational) and epidemiological (experimental and observational) primary research. For basic research, clinical application must be made obvious. All articles will undergo double-blind peer review.
This is a peer-reviewed section on healthcare systems and services. Articles in this section should be well-researched reviews of healthcare systems and services. This section allows for a critical discussion of such systems and services, a well-researched commentary, projections on future progression, and a well-argued perspective. There must be accompanying abstracts and keywords.
This section relates to articles about teaching and learing, and faculty development. The articles could be an form of study and needs to include an abstract, indtroduction, aim, methods, results and discussions as appropriate. All article will undergo double-blind review process. This section excludes opinion pieces and review articles.
Perspectives present a new and unique viewpoint on existing problem, fundamental concepts, or prevalent notions on a specific topic, propose and support a new hypothesis, or discuss the implications of a newly implemented innovation. Perspective pieces may focus on current advances and future directions on a topic, and may include orignal data as well as personal opinion.
Perspectives are short peer-reviewed articles of 2000 - 3000 words, and a few table and figures if required.
This is for clinical audits where the loop has been closed. It should add something to what is already known.
This section of the journal is geared towards medical students in developing countries. This section will reproduce peer-reviewed articles published, or in-press, in medical students' journals. The reviewers of these articles will be at the level of faculty. We aim not to publish more that one or two such articles per year. The format is submission of all articles published in the local journals in the current year, and the editorial board of the JoGM medicine will select the most academically sound article/s, if available. The chosen paper/s will be sent for external review. Previously unpublished original work from medical students will also be considered for this section.
This section is for clinical cases in a question-and-answer format. The scenarios should highlight important aspects of management with learning points. Answers should be referenced. All clinical scenarios will be sent for external review.
Commentaries are articles that draw attention to, or critique, a current or previous article published in the Journal of Global Medicine. They often use the article as a call to action or to highlight a few points of wider relevance to the field. Commentaries do not include original data and are heavily dependent on the author's perspective, or anecdotal evidence from the author's personal experience to support the argument.
Commentaries are around 1,000 - 1,5000 words. They can include a few references, one or two tables, and figures.
Opinion artciles present the author's viewpoint on the strength and weakness of a hypothesis or scientific theory. Opions pieces should be based on constructive critism and should be backed by evidence. Opinion pieces sholud not contain unpublished or original data. It should promote scientific discourse that challenges the current state of knowledge.
Opinion pieces are around 2,000 - 2,500 words, with at lease five references, and one or two figures or tables
This is a section for articles on aspects of the history of medicine. These could be about individuals, specialities or events, and relate to current events, or broad changes in the medical specialties. These articles will usually be commissioned. Uninvited submissions are welcome but they must be discussed with the the Editor-in-Chief prior to submissions.
Clinicial Notes are invited short articles about Lived Experiences of patients published in the same issue of the journal. They complement the Lived Experience to give some context. They are not peer reviewed.
Book reviews are welcome and should be about 1,500 words long. The books reviewed should have been published less than 12 months before publication in this journal. A good source for a good book review is here.
This section commemorates the lives of people who have made significant contributions in their fields. Articles in this section will only be accepted in exceptional cases, and must first be discussed with the Editor-in-Chief before submission.
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ISSN 2754-0995 (Online)
ISSN 2754-3315 (Print)
Journal of Global Medicine | Editor-in-Chief: Olufunso Adedeji. MBBS, MD, FRCSEd.
The Journal of Global Medicine is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Ibadan Medical Specialist Group, UK (IMSG), UK charities 1090030, which asserts its worldwide propriety rights over the Journal. Those rights shall not be relinquished save by a simple majority resolution at a quorate AGM of the IMSG. It is a fully open-access journal, and there are no article processing fees. It is published under the terms of a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license. ISSN 2754-0995 (Online), ISSN 2754-3315 (Print)
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