ISSN 2754-0995 (Online)
ISSN 2754-3315 (Print)
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ISSN 2754-0995 (Online)
ISSN 2754-3315 (Print)
Journal of Global Medicine | Editor-in-Chief: Olufunso Adedeji. MBBS, MD, FRCSEd.
The Journal of Global Medicine is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Ibadan Medical Specialist Group, UK (IMSG), UK charities 1090030, which asserts its worldwide propriety rights over the Journal. Those rights shall not be relinquished save by a simple majority resolution at a quorate AGM of the IMSG. It is a fully open-access journal, and there are no article processing fees. It is published under the terms of a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license. ISSN 2754-0995 (Online), ISSN 2754-3315 (Print)
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