Recognising the social causes of student underperformance in medical education: a scoping review


  • Elizabeth Olowokandi University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK



student, student underperformance, medical education, social factors affecting education


The social aspects of underperformance in medical education can be perceived as an uncomfortable topic in some contexts. Vaughn’s [1]evergreen description of underperformance: the state where a student’s academic performance is significantly below that which is
expected of them – because of a ‘specific affective, cognitive, structural, or interpersonal difficulty’ was used in this study. With up to
15% of medical students experiencing significant difficulties during medical training [2], the session mandate is to explore social causes of underperformance towards best practice approaches for student’s support, discomfort notwithstanding. A scoping review was conducted using the JBI framework [3] to explore social issues surrounding medical student underperformance. A PubMed search using ‘medical underperformance’ and ‘remediation’ was used as an expansive template to find papers that described key concepts. Forty-six papers were identified and in papers that the titles dealt with the topic, 20 full texts were reviewed. Framework analysis [4] was used to identify themes from key papers. A key social reason for medical students’ underperformance was cultural clashes. An evidence-based process of management can be used to deduce root causes of underperformance and assist the affected student back on track with their self-regulated learning.

• Critically analyse the social difficulties faced by underperforming
• Practice the creation of evidence-based tailored remediation plans.

Engagement: I intend to use a case study and questions to engage attendees.


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Goldsmith LJ. Using framework analysis in applied qualitative research.

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How to Cite

Olowokandi, E. (2024). Recognising the social causes of student underperformance in medical education: a scoping review. Journal of Global Medicine, 4(S1), e167.